Traveling Trunks

The GCBMA offers a Traveling Trunks Program for educational institutions, service organizations, and other groups interested in keeping the legacy of Grover Cleveland alive, as well as getting to feel the historical past of how people of three different periods lived and were influenced by the historical events of their day.
There are three Traveling Trunks, representing the 1830’s, 1860’s (Civil War) and 1880’s-1890’s. The Trunks are portable history lessons that can travel to schools, scouts, home schooling parents, nursing homes, and other organizations.
The Traveling Trunks allow audiences to hold the artifacts, and build on that experience: what is this artifact? What does it reveal about us as a community, state, or nation? These are questions that can be explored through artifacts to help us define who we are and where we have been.
How To Borrow a Traveling Trunk
- Each Trunk may be borrowed from the Birthplace for up to one week – pickup on Monday and return on Friday by 4 p.m.
- There is a $50 refundable deposit. There will be a charge if there is any damage to the Trunks while on loan.
- Curriculum materials are included in the Trunks, and may be reproduced for educational purposes only, and must credit the GCBMA.
- All curriculium aligns with K-12 State and national standards.
- Trunks are available on a first come, first served basis. To request a date, e-mail [email protected]
Examples of Trunk Contents:
Copper bed warmer
Hand-forged ladle
Knife and fork stick
Sugar cone
Sugar nippers
Toys and games
Confederate jacket
Folding tin lantern
Spider pan
Hard tack
Playing cards
Wood comb
Lace hand fan
Lace parasol
Men’s black gloves
Top hat
Victorian clothing
Victorian etiquette book
Victorian masks
Victorian paper dolls
Wood based iced skates