Grover’s 188th Birthday Celebration!

Schedule of Events
1:15-Opening Ceremony
1:30 Richard Gibbs local historian "Monomonck Inn"
2:30 Linda Russell historic musical songs, "Grover's Veto"
3:30 Annette B. Dunlap author of "Frank: The Story of Frances Folsom Cleveland"
Opening of New Carriage House Room.
The Grover Cleveland Birthplace Memorial Association is proud to announce the long-awaited opening of the Carriage House Multipurpose Room. The renovation of the Carriage House is the final phase of the building of the new visitor’s center and will serve as a meeting/lecture hall. As part of the celebration of its opening, the association will be holding its Annual Meeting in the new room on Monday December 9th at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be open to the public, with a maximum capacity of 35 people in the new room, and space for an additional 30 guests throughout the Visitor’s Center. The event is free of charge and will be open to the public. This meeting will serve as a “soft opening ceremony” for the opening of the new room. A more formal opening ceremony will be held in 2025.
The meeting will include presentation of committee annual reports and the election of Board Members. The featured speaker for the evening will be Board Member Louis Picone. Join Mr. Picone to explore a history of presidential elections including the most controversial contests, political parties, campaigning, and pivotal moments in American history. In today’s heated political climate, understanding the past can help make sense of the present because, as Mark Twain once said, “History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.”
Reservations are welcomed on Event Brite but not required. For additional details, please contact Paul Maloney at [email protected].
Photograph of Louis Picone courtesy of Paul Maloney. Photograph of Carriage House used by permission of the NJDEP.
4th of July Celebration!
The Grover Cleveland Birthplace Memorial Association would like to thank the following for their continued support for our Annual 4th of July Ice Cream Social: the State of New Jersey; St. Aloysius Church; Boy Scout Troop 6; The Women’s Club of the Caldwells; the Rotary Club; the Kiwanis Club; Jack’s Foodtown; Shop Rite of West Caldwell; Richard and Linda Gibbs and their postcard collection; Guerriero Gelato; and Cloverleaf Restaurant.
Please stay tuned for some great things coming with the improved facilities at the Grover Cleveland Birthplace.
Paul Maloney
Grover Cleveland Birthplace Memorial Association.