July 4th Ice Cream Social
Come One, come All to the Ice Cream Social at the Grover Cleveland Birthplace in historic Caldwell, N.J. for a fun filled celebration with free Ice Cream, good food, a street magician, Fideaux Flea Circus, free lemonade, popcorn, a DJ, house tours, and the traveling trunks displays. Even free balloons and a balloon lady to make animals for the kids. The opening ceremony and the reading of the Declaration of Independence begins at 1 pm. Bring chairs and blankets and enjoy being outdoors from 1-4pm. Sponsored by the Grover Cleveland Birthplace Memorial Association, the Social is at the Grover Cleveland Birthplace, a New Jersey historic site at 207 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell, N.J. 07006. Free parking is in the adjoining Saint Aloysius Church lot. Ice Cream is provided by Gelotti’s Ice Cream; food is available from the Cloverleaf Tavern. Rain site, Saint Aloysius gym next door.
For bakers, there is a cookie bakeoff with prizes. This year’s cookie is the chocolate cookie–soft, hard or dropped but not brownies. The rules are simple, each entry must be made using a recipe from the 19th century using ingredients available in that period and must be accompanied by two copies of the recipe. The recipes are being gathered and will be published with the past winners recipes in a special Grover Cleveland Cookie Book. 2 dozen cookies are necessary for the judges to sample and cookies and entry forms must be presented before 1:30 on July 4th at the Birthplace. Forms can be found at the Grover Cleveland Birthplace website or at the Birthplace during open hours.