Caldwell Ghost Historical Walk and Talk

A locomotive going too fast, fires going out of control, stories about a world famous hotel, and an individual being pushed in a wheelbarrow for winning a bet are just a few of the stories which will be told at the Halloween Ghost Walk presented by the Grover Cleveland Birthplace Association on Friday October 25th.  (Raindate will be Saturday October 26th.)    Tours will start at the Grover Cleveland Birthplace, 207 Bloomfield Avenue at 5:00 and will continue every half hour into the early evening. The walks will travel west on Bloomfield Avenue and will make stops at the First Presbyterian Church and many historical storefronts.  The final stop will be at the well-known Cloverleaf Tavern.  Tickets are $15.00 each and will be available at the Grover Cleveland Birthplace and the West Caldwell Public Library after October 1st. Each tour will be one hour in length.  (Tickets must be obtained before the event and will not be sold on October 25th.)
Tour guides will include members of the Grover Cleveland Birthplace Memorial Association, local historians, and local educators.  The walk will be a great way for participants to learn about Grover Cleveland and the Grover Cleveland Birthplace, and Caldwell, Essex County, and New Jersey History.  For additional details, please contact Paul Maloney at [email protected] or call the Grover Cleveland Birthplace at 973-226-0001.